Zoolander Yume Young Frankenstein Vertigo Traffic Tonari no Totoro The Truman Show The Secret Life of Walter Mitty The Rocky Horror Picture Show The Party The Graduate The Empire Strikes Back The Big Chill Taxi Driver Some Like It Hot Shakespeare in Love Rain Man Pearl Harbor Pane e tulipani North by Northwest Monsters, Inc Mission Impossible Mediterraneo Little Miss Sunshine Les quatre cents coups Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain La vita è bella La Grande Bellezza Il postino I soliti ignoti. Her Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Hable con ella Groundhog Day Goldfinger Fratello sole, sorella Luna Four Weddings and a Funeral Fantasia Être et avoir Enter the Dragon Deep Throat Dead Poets Society Chariots of Fire C'era una volta il West Blow-Up Blade Runner Being John Malkovich Back to the Future Avatar Apocalipse Now American Beauty Amadeus Alien About a Boy 2001 A Space Odyssey